Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Work of God

I have been struggling today after speaking with one of my close friends this morning.  She had seemed interested in my church a little but today informed me that she is going to start attending another church.  I have been wondering if I missed something. Was there something life changing I was supposed to say to her and I wasn't "in tune" with the Spirit and missed it.  I woke up this morning before my kids and thought I should read my scriptures but I was tired and compromised and read in my bed (which didn't last too long).   
Then tonight I was rereading today's lesson on Sacred Family Relationships by Lorenzo Snow and even though he was talking about parenting it applied to my concerns of today. 
"This is not our work that we are engaged in, it is the work of God."
He's right, this is not my work, it is His.  I have already shared many things with my friend and I will continue to try to be more "in tune" with the Spirit so that I will be ready to answer any questions if she does have any.  The Lord is so kind to give me these gentle reminders that He is in charge and I need not worry. 

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