Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Small and Simple Things

This morning my girls and I climbed in the car, ready for a special outing to Sea World.  Only to find that my little toddler had left on the fog lights in the car yesterday and we had a dead battery.  Yesterday when coming home from the grocery store I pulled in forward and then thought that maybe I should back in so that my little helper wouldn't be next to the street when helping unload the groceries.  I never, hardly ever back my car into the driveway, but I thought it's not a bad idea. So I pulled out and backed the car into the driveway.  It was helpful for unloading groceries, but was a huge blessing this morning when I needed a jump start. A special thanks to the gardener across the street for letting us use his jumper cables and the neighbor for jumping the car with his truck this morning to get us going.  After attaching the cables from his truck to my car, it was clear that the cables would not have reached if my car was parked front first in the driveway and he had parked his truck next to my car.  What a blessing from the Lord for placing that little thought in my head to turn the car around.  This experience confirmed to me what I had mentioned in my earlier post, that the Holy Spirit speaks to me in such subtle ways they are easily missed if I am not paying attention and listening. I am so grateful for this inspiration from the Holy Spirit and that I listened.  It seemed just a little thing, but it made all the difference!

We were only 20 minutes late meeting our group for the field trip and had a great day! And to my youngest, No more playing with fog lights!

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