Sunday, May 19, 2013


As I was reading today's Relief Society Lesson this morning this quote impressed me:

"President Snow continued: “This is the last family re-union we have reason to expect this side of the spirit world. May the God of our fathers help us to keep His laws, live honorable lives, preserve inviolate our virtue and integrity, listen to the whisperings of the Holy Spirit, and seek diligently to purify ourselves, that not a single member of this family be lost by deviating from the straight and narrow path, but may we all prove ourselves worthy to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection, crowned with glory, perpetuating in immortality the family union, and continue to increase down through the endless ages of eternity.”

President Snow may have been a prophet and president of the Mormon church, but he obviously understood that his first calling was as a father and patriarch of his family. He gathered his family, all of them, and taught them, testified to them and blessed them.  He is an amazing example of what a father can be and he left profound legacy for his children.

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