Thursday, May 23, 2013

Communion with the Lord

I have been trying to find ways to make partaking of the Sacrament more meaningful to me. Recently I was called to direct the music in Sacrament meeting. This calling has placed me on the stand during the sacrament with my husband managing the children down in the seats. I am blessed by this calling to be able to sit (without any children on my lap) and be able to actually think during the sacrament. Reading this quote today, made me realize this blessing. It also pointed out to me that I need to take full advantage of this time to meditate and commune with the Lord.

"Meditation is one of the most secret, most sacred doors through which we pass into the presence of the Lord. . . . I believe the short period of administering the sacrament is one of the best opportunities we have for such meditation. . . .
Great events have happened in this Church because of such communion, because of the responsiveness of the soul to the inspiration of the Almighty. I know it is real. . . . You will find that when these most inspirational moments come to you that you are alone with yourself and your God. They come to you probably when you are facing a great trial, when the wall is across your pathway, and it seems that you are facing an insurmountable obstacle, or when your heart is heavy because of some tragedy in your life. I repeat, the greatest comfort that can come to us in this life is to sense the realization of communion with God.
If we partake of it mechanically, we are not honest, or let us say, we are permitting our thoughts to be distracted from a very sacred ordinance." (David O. McKay, in Conference Report, Apr. 1946, p. 115.)

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