Thursday, February 18, 2016

Of Grace and Faith

"The more we rely on the Savior’s grace, the more we will feel that we are on the track our Father in Heaven has intended for us."  Dieter F. Uchtdorf

As I was studying this morning this quote struck me.  It succinctly expresses a principle that has been in my heart and mind for a while lately.

Life is a summation of choices.  There have been times when I know my choices were guided by God and I was in the right place at the right time.  And then there are times when I haven't had God with me and I was just trying to do it all on my own.  But most difficult for me has been two moments when I felt the influence of the Lord to do a certain thing and I wanted to, but I hesitated. I didn't choose not to follow it, I just hesitated, out of fear, what if it works out, what if it doesn't and I hesitated.  And then the opportunity was gone, someone else acted immediately and it was gone.  It is one of my regrets in life.  And the hardest thing is that it doesn't just effect me, but it effects my children's lives too. The weight of this choice, is causing me to really self evaluate what I can do so that I don't do this again.  That next time I receive guidance I will act on it.

When I read this truth this morning it pointed the direction that I need to learn to take in my choices.  When I make my choices I seek guidance from the Lord, but I need to "rely on the Savior's grace".   I need to consciously have faith and put my fears aside and rely on the Savior's ability to make things work out.  I need to start with the small choices, intentionally practicing, to develop the faith to be able to rely on the Savior's grace for the big decisions.   And then I will be back on the track Heavenly Father has intended for me and my family.                

The complete address is "Of Regrets and Resolutions" by Dieter F. Uchtdorf.

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