Sunday, May 12, 2013

Lessons Learned

Here is a quote from today's Sociadad de Socorro lesson (thank goodness for the LDS Gospel Library app that helps me follow along in English)
[But, like the child with the toy or the plaything, we too often satisfy ourselves with the perishable things of time, forgetting the opportunities we have of developing within us the great, the eternal principles of life and truth. The Lord wishes to establish a closer and more intimate relationship between Himself and us; He wishes to elevate us in the scale of being and intelligence, and this can only be done through the medium of the everlasting Gospel which is specially prepared for this purpose.]
Lorenzo Snow
Today was one of those moments where this quote was speaking directly to me.  God is amazing how he can speak to us so directly through others words.  It warmed my heart hearing from the Lord that he wants a closer relationship with me.  He loves me and I feel it.  He so gently invites me and you back to Him.  He sees my potential. I love how he says that He, "wishes to elevate us in the scale of being and intelligence".  Elevate was particularly poignant as I have felt for a long time like I was in a dark hole and couldn't climb out.  He has gradually lifted me through scripture study and prayer to a place now where I can breath, see a little ahead of me and feel of the Spirit. But He sees more for me to "elevate [me] in the scale of being and intelligence."  I have also found that Spanish has been a little easier to understand as of late.  I see that I need to continue to pray and study for increased understanding in the Gospel and the language.

As I continue to try to change my habits, it is also clear from above that I am too often satisfying myself with "the perishable things of time." And by doing so I am "forgetting (or missing) the opportunities we have of developing within us the great, the eternal principles of life and truth."  I feel that the Lord is pleased with my progress, but is asking me to take it to the next level, or raise the bar.  We learn line upon line, precept upon precept and He is telling me I'm ready for the next step.  I need to continue setting aside the things of the world and focusing more on my home, children, husband, and the Lord.  I feel His confidence in me, and I'm going to need His help.

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