Scripture Study

Here are a few ideas of things that have been helpful for me to make my scripture study more meaningful:
  • Take notes as you go: When I write things down I find that my thoughts come together, solidify, and connect with other related thoughts.  I find I am able to come to more conclusions and frequently find that the Holy Ghost prompts me to write things that were answers to questions I had.  I write in my journal, but I also write on this blog. I like both, but with the blog I can attach the link to the verse or talk that I was reading which I have found useful when rereading my entries. 
  • [Brackets!]: When I am writing in my journal or taking notes in a class or listening to a speaker I want to record what is being read or said.  However, I also have thoughts come to my mind, which, I have come to learn are from the Holy Ghost that give me direction or inspiration that I want to record.  In order to make a note of which ones are from the speaker and which ones are pertinent to me from the Holy Ghost I write the ones from the Holy Ghost in [Brackets].  This helps me as I reread my journal/notes to know what is specific direction for me that I need to pay special attention to. 
  • Questions: It is important to ask questions, like why is this significant? How does this apply to me?  Why did the Lord include this in the scriptures?  It helps to have a question in mind that you want more information on.  You can't get answers if you don't have questions.   
  • Dig Deeper: We read a verse and there is the obvious meaning in front of us, but Christ spoke in parables and we find the same layers of understanding in the scriptures.  The Lord teaches "line upon line."  The more we read and study, the more layers are uncovered to us, or the more mysteries of the kingdom are revealed unto us.  This principle is also applicable to our prayers. When we receive direction from the Lord, accept it, write it down, and then go back to the Lord in prayer and pondering asking if there is something more He would have you know.  We can repeat this until the Lord has finished teaching us all he wants us to know on an issue.  

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San Diego Temple