Monday, August 12, 2013

Recognizing Promptings from the Holy Ghost

One idea that came to my mind this week was to make a point to record in my journal everything little thing that I felt was a prompting from the Spirit.  I had been recognizing that I had been prompted in three different ways and heeded two of the promptings but totally missed the other. I realized as I was recognizing these promptings it was helping me to recognize a few more.

Then the thought came to me that by writing down these promptings it will begin to help me recognize more and more promptings from the Holy Ghost.  Thus helping me to listen and heed the Holy Ghost better.  I've mentioned before that when I write in my journal I record things that I have learned from the Holy Ghost in [brackets] in my journal.  That way when I review my entries, I know which ones were my ideas and what was revelation from God.

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