General Conference

I find General Conference messages to be a little bit like the parables that Christ told.   Christ shared his parables with all--the believing and unbelieving--however, understanding depended on the persons spiritual preparation.

With General Conference I feel like each message is like a parable.  The more it is studied the more layers of understanding are revealed.   Just remember as you learn things - Write Them Down - write in your journal not just the things you hear, but the feelings you feel and the guidance and understanding that has come through the Holy Ghost.  As I mentioned under Scripture Study, record things revealed to you by the Spirit in [brackets] so you remember their significance.

Ways to study General Conference:

  • Watch General Conference Live!  There is a special spirit that attends you when you listen to the messages being delivered in real time.  
  • Watch it again.  As soon as the links work I like to begin reviewing the talks by watching them again.  I always find something that I missed (likely due to trying to keep 3 children watching).
  • Read the talks.  Even though I have already listened to a talk multiple times, I find that as I read the talks a new layer of understanding is revealed.  Specific words or phrases pop out to me, or I am able to recognize lists, invitations, or cause-and-effect statements.  Recognizing these things give me specific points that I can study further.   
  • Pray. Pray and ask Heavenly Father if there is anything else that he would have you learn from that message.  And/or pray to ask who he would have you share that message with.  The Lord works through his children to answer prayers, sometimes he is just waiting for us to ask. 
  • Write about it (like I'm doing now).  I find that when I write about the things I read, my understanding opens up immensely.  New perspectives, correlations, and ways of implementing the principles that I am writing about are brought to light to me and then I am able to share it with others, because I have written it down!  
It's a good thing we have 6 months to digest all of the great talks before getting another healthy dose of hope, faith, direction, and guidance.   God truly does inspire the speakers with answers to the prayers of our hearts. 

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