Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Cry unto him over the flocks of your fields....

I am so thankful to know that my Heavenly Father does hear and answer my prayers. We have had a lot of extra expenses on our rental properties recently but we were able to work it all out. Then this morning my tenant called to tell me that her furnace wasn't working. We just had the unit serviced 4 months ago and it is only 7 years old so it should have been fine. But she called to say that it wasn't even turning on. I told her I would check into it and call her back. I fell to my knees and pleaded with the Lord to know what to do because the company absolutely doesn't have enough reserves to replace a furnace right now. I pleaded for His help and then got up and went to call the heating company that last serviced it hoping that maybe their work would be guaranteed and they would go out and inspect it for free. I picked up my phone and my tenant was calling me back. She told me that she didn't know why, but the furnace just switched on and began working again. I knelt back down and thanked my Heavenly Father for hearing my prayer and answering my prayer. Our prayers are not always answered so quickly and directly and I know that and didn't expect such a direct and clear answer, but I needed it. I needed that witness once again that He is there for me as my faith had been waning. I know that my Heavenly Father does continue to perform miracles on the earth today and that he has blessed me and my husband with a miracle today. He is a merciful and loving Father who knows what we need if we turn to him.
It says in the scriptures, in Alma 34: 20,24-25 that we should pray over our flocks, crops, and our fields. My little rental property is our little flock/field and the Lord has blessed us this day.

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