Monday, May 12, 2014

Unseen Blessings

Last week I got in the car to take my kids to school to find I had a dead battery.  After a few failed jumps, it was clear it was either the battery or the alternator.  Both of which were going to cost money and neither of which were good timing financially.  After some serious stewing about the situation, which wasn't productive.  I had my mechanic check the battery to see what the problem was.  It was definitely a dead battery and the new was was going to definitely be cheaper than an alternator, though still an unexpected expense.  However, he informed me that my dead battery was the factory installed battery meaning it was 13 years old.

It was very inconvenient for my battery to die, however, I realized at that moment how the Lord had blessed me all these years to keep that battery going well beyond when it should have died.  The Lord is sometimes blessing us in ways that we won't see until years down the road.  It humbles me to think of all the other ways that my Heavenly Father may be blessing me and my family in ways that I can not see.

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