Monday, May 19, 2014

Repentance and Covenants

Teachings of the Presidents: Joseph Fielding Smith, Chapter 5: Faith and Repentance

"Early in his service as an Apostle, he said: “I have considered that it has been my mission, having been so impressed, I think, by the Spirit of the Lord in my travels in the stakes of Zion, to say unto the people that now is the day of repentance and to call upon the Latter-day Saints to remember their covenants, the promises they have made with the Lord, to keep his commandments, and follow the teachings and the instructions of the elders of Israel—the prophets of God—as they have been recorded in these holy scriptures."

Tonight while studying, two things impressed me from this quote.


I find myself regularly pleading with the Lord for guidance and direction and help and miracles and everything else my family and I need.  However, I'm not nearly as quick to remember to repent. Which, in reality, I need repentance more than the rest of the things on my list.

Second--Remember their Covenants
Call upon the Saints to remember their covenants, the promises they have made with the Lord.   

Sacrament: Now that I am attending church in English again.  Hearing the sacrament prayers has been special.  I know what the sacrament prayers words are and what they mean since I've been listening to them my whole life.  But I developed an appreciation and amazement for the simple power in words.  Hearing the sacrament prayer in Spanish for 5 years, I am definitely familiar with the key words and am able to connect the meanings.  But hearing the words in your fluent language again has had a comforting, familiar feeling of coming home. And as I listen and understand each and every one of those words, I am thankful for the layers of meaning that continue to open up to me.   One key element of the ordinance of the Sacrament in renewing our covenants that we made at baptism through Repentance and recommitting ourselves to follow the Savior.  Preparation to partake of the Sacrament is best done through repentance. 

Temple:  There have been so many very big changes in my life over the last 6 months that I haven't been to the temple in a couple months.  I know I need to go and I really want to go, but finding time and a sitter, and just getting there has been my excuse for not going.  I recognize the areas within myself that need the peace and patience that comes through the temple.  By attending the temple, we are able to remember all the promises we have made to the Lord.  A covenant is a two way promise and we are not only reminded of our responsibilities in the promises we have made, but we are also reminded of the blessings that are Promised to us through our obedience to the covenant. 

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