Thursday, May 1, 2014


A couple of months ago I moved and began attending a new ward.  It has been a bigger adjustment than I expected because I had been in my previous stake for over 13 years.   Tonight was the first Stake Relief Society Activity since I had moved.  I arrived and walked in a couple of minutes late to find everyone seated at tables and the Stake Relief Society President opening the meeting. I stood in the doorway for a minute as I looked around the room realizing I don't know anyone and because I didn't know anyone the few open seats didn't seem available to me because I didn't know anyone at the table.  Quickly as I assessed the situation I found my self wanting to just turn around and leave, and was about to act on my thought when I saw a hand waving at me pointing to the seat next to her.  It was a lady I had met twice before at church and I welcomed the familiar face and went and sat down.  The speaker at the meeting delivered a great message that was very filling for me spiritually and I was grateful that I had stayed.   I am grateful for a sister that showed me friendship tonight.

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San Diego Temple