Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Motherhood in Proper Perspective

Really loved this quote from Henry B Eyring in an amazing, must read talk on Education for Real Life. Serving others and Motherhood isn't valued in society as much as it should be.  Elder Eyring's eternal perspective is so encouraging on days when it seems like too much.
Your service may not be in what the world would recognize as a lofty calling. When the real value of service becomes clear in the judgment of God, some people who worked in quiet anonymity will be the real heroes. Many of them, perhaps most of them, will be the underpaid and underrecognized people who nurtured others. I never visit an elementary school and watch the teachers without thinking about that future day when the rewards will be eternal. I never visit a hospital and watch those who nurse and those who clean without thinking of that. I never visit a workplace where someone serves me and others well, earning wages barely enough to provide the necessities for a family, without thinking of the future. And I never see a mother juggling three little children who are crying while she is smiling, as she shepherds them gently, without seeing in my mind’s eye that day of honor in the presence of the only Judge whose praise will finally matter.

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San Diego Temple