Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Next Question Please

Yep, Next question from my dear friend. And it's about Babel. So here is my Babel research.  Again, quotes are from Lds.org

The antithesis and antagonist of Zion is Babylon. The city of Babylon was originally Babel, of Tower of Babel fame, and later became the capital of the Babylonian empire. Its principal edifice was the temple of Bel, or Baal, the idol referred to by Old Testament prophets as “The Shame,” given the sexual perversions that were associated with its worship. (See BibleDictionary, “Assyria and Babylonia,” 615–16; “Baal,” 617–18; “Babylon, orBabel,” 618.) Its worldliness, its worship of evil, and the captivity of Judah there following the conquest of 587 B.C. all combine to make Babylon the symbol of decadent societies and spiritual bondage.

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