Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Working on my Mormon.org profile

I am a Mormon because I was born into a Mormon family, but I stayed a Mormon because of a few defining moments when I was at crossroads at different times in my life. 1) I'm not sure why but ever since I was very little I knew my Heavenly Father and I knew that more than anything I wanted to return to Him.   Life has forced me to change and grow many times and the knowledge of this principle has giving me the desire to keep trying.  2) I have come to know my Savior through prayer, scripture study, and through repenting.  By receiving of His forgiveness I gained a strong testimony of Him and the power of His Atonement.  3) I have recognized that when I follow the guidelines in the Mormon church I am a better person and I'm happy.

  Knowing that my Heavenly Father loves me and cares for me is such a strength for me when everything else seems to be going wrong at times.    Knowing that I want to return to my Father in Heaven sets off a chain reaction of events.  If I want to return to Him I must follow His commandments.  If I want to return to Him I must be more like His son Jesus Christ. If I want to be like Jesus. I need to know who He is by studying Him in the scriptures and then I need to try.  If I fail I must repent and try again.  And why, why keep going when I keep making mistakes? Because when I'm trying I'm happy.   The absolute happiest times in my life have been in consequence of keeping commandments.  I'm Mormon because it makes me happy.

I know God loves me. I know that he cares individually for each of his children here on this earth.

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