Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Just what I needed to hear...

Opened up to D & C 82 tonight and after reading the chapter heading I can tell this is just what I need to hear.

Verse 1: All of you have sinned.  I am constantly making mistakes and falling quite short of mine and others expectations.  Today I made sure all the dishes were clean when I left with the kids to pick up my husband and meet with old friends.  I really thought I had thought ahead and made sure it would be clean when we got home. Only to get home and find the floor covered with ants.  Apparently there was some food under the kitchen table that I didn't see but the ants did.  Next faux pas for the day: I am pretty sure I have completely offended someone close to me.  It was obviously unintentional but could have easily been prevented if I just thought a little and wasn't so wrapped up in trying to get on top of things (ie cooking, cleaning, laundry, entertaining the kids, etc)  I'm going to have to go talk to this person and try to rectify the situation.
Verse 19: "Every man seeking the interest of his neighbor, and doing all things with and eye single to the glory of God."  I need to apologize to this person that I have not been a good friend / neighbor to.  I need to keep my eye single to the glory of God. I get so distracted, but need to focus in on doing the will of my Father.

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