Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Teach of faith to know that obedience to the commandments of God will provide physical and spiritual protection. And remember, God’s holy angels are ever on call to help us. The Lord so declared: “I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.”6 What a promise! When we are faithful, He and His angels will help us.

The rest of the talk can be heard here.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Just what I needed to hear...

Opened up to D & C 82 tonight and after reading the chapter heading I can tell this is just what I need to hear.

Verse 1: All of you have sinned.  I am constantly making mistakes and falling quite short of mine and others expectations.  Today I made sure all the dishes were clean when I left with the kids to pick up my husband and meet with old friends.  I really thought I had thought ahead and made sure it would be clean when we got home. Only to get home and find the floor covered with ants.  Apparently there was some food under the kitchen table that I didn't see but the ants did.  Next faux pas for the day: I am pretty sure I have completely offended someone close to me.  It was obviously unintentional but could have easily been prevented if I just thought a little and wasn't so wrapped up in trying to get on top of things (ie cooking, cleaning, laundry, entertaining the kids, etc)  I'm going to have to go talk to this person and try to rectify the situation.
Verse 19: "Every man seeking the interest of his neighbor, and doing all things with and eye single to the glory of God."  I need to apologize to this person that I have not been a good friend / neighbor to.  I need to keep my eye single to the glory of God. I get so distracted, but need to focus in on doing the will of my Father.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Quote of the Day

The greatest challenge is in making the truths it symbolizes an integral part of our lives. Most men continue to eat only the deadening fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The tree of life, however, is available to all who do not wish to live forever in their sins, and the Book of Mormon invites all people to approach and partake of the tree’s divine and eternal fruit.


June 1998

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Working on my Mormon.org profile

I am a Mormon because I was born into a Mormon family, but I stayed a Mormon because of a few defining moments when I was at crossroads at different times in my life. 1) I'm not sure why but ever since I was very little I knew my Heavenly Father and I knew that more than anything I wanted to return to Him.   Life has forced me to change and grow many times and the knowledge of this principle has giving me the desire to keep trying.  2) I have come to know my Savior through prayer, scripture study, and through repenting.  By receiving of His forgiveness I gained a strong testimony of Him and the power of His Atonement.  3) I have recognized that when I follow the guidelines in the Mormon church I am a better person and I'm happy.

  Knowing that my Heavenly Father loves me and cares for me is such a strength for me when everything else seems to be going wrong at times.    Knowing that I want to return to my Father in Heaven sets off a chain reaction of events.  If I want to return to Him I must follow His commandments.  If I want to return to Him I must be more like His son Jesus Christ. If I want to be like Jesus. I need to know who He is by studying Him in the scriptures and then I need to try.  If I fail I must repent and try again.  And why, why keep going when I keep making mistakes? Because when I'm trying I'm happy.   The absolute happiest times in my life have been in consequence of keeping commandments.  I'm Mormon because it makes me happy.

I know God loves me. I know that he cares individually for each of his children here on this earth.
San Diego Temple