Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Life's Not Fair

I can't tell you how many times my oldest has told me lately "That's not fair".  It's really starting to get old but I really had no better explanation or come back than "Life's not fair".

Then today in my New Testament class that I have been attending, a woman stood up and shared that "Life's not fair, It's better than fair."  My ears perked up, thinking of my oldest daughter.  She then went on to explain that it's better than fair, because through Jesus Christ all of our pains and infirmities can be succored in this life and in the resurrection be restored.  And because all the wrongs and injustices can be healed through His Atoning power.

Another point was made that Christ has invited us to be joint heirs with Him.  And how can we expect to become joint heirs with Him, thus being like Him, if we have not had to experience suffering ourselves.  It was through the suffering that Jesus became the Savior and Redeemer.  Only He could overcome suffering and only through Him can we overcome our suffering.  Thus all the crazy, random things that happen to us that cause us much suffering and many infirmities are to help us to become like Christ. Or maybe to understand Christ better.  To cause us to seek out Christ in our own lives. Christ knows our weaknesses and sufferings and still wants us to be joint-heirs with Him.

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