Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Learning the language of the Spirit

My main goal this year with studying the book of Doctrine and Covenants is to learn how to be guided by the Spirit on a regular basis in my life.  This weekend I realized one way that the Spirit speaks to me.  Just a thought.  Yep that's it, just a thought.  Sunday morning a thought popped into my head.  It was something that would be nice if I did, but wouldn't be noticeable at all if I didn't.   I thought, yeah maybe I should do that.  And then before I knew it I was getting the kids dressed for church, packing snacks, getting myself ready for church and the opportunity to do what I had thought of had passed.  I recognize now that that is how the Spirit speaks to me, but once again I had allowed distractions, excuses, and busyness to take the place of following the Spirit.

I remember that in one of the recent conference addresses President Monson had taught us that when a prompting comes don't wait, act immediately.  These promptings are fleeting moments and if we don't act immediately more frequently, we have lost the opportunity.    Unfortunately sometimes I learn things the hard way.


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