Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

Last year's New Year's Resolution was simple--attend the temple once every month.  I think I made it 10 out of 12.  So it will remain as a goal for this year too.

Last year our Stake's theme was to Invite-Invite friends and neighbors who are not members of the church into our homes for dinner or dessert just to be more friendly and more neighborly.  Sometimes we get stuck with only hanging out with our Mormon friends and we need to be better neighbors.  Although this theme has concluded and they will choose a new one for this new year, I would like to continue this as a goal of mine for 2013 because I love the impact it had in 2012.

I also just found through Pinterest and signed up for the Free Online Course for the Doctrine and Covenants through BYU's Independent Study.  There are a lot of free courses listed, I was actually looking for Spanish, but they didn't have it.  As I mentioned in my previous posting that this is a time for me to "become more acquainted with God."  And January's Ensign message from the First Presidency showed me where to begin.  Elder Eyring speaks of the Voice of the Lord and points to the Doctrine and Covenants as a excellent example to learn the Voice of the Lord.  I am hoping that as I study the Doctrine and Covenants I will have that spiritual nourishment that I need to compensate for not getting much out of church in Spanish and in addition I will learn more about personal revelation and becoming more acquainted my Lord.

 So to sum up, my resolutions for 2013 are:
1) Attend Temple once a month
2) Invite Friends and Neighbors into our home
3) Complete the Doctrine and Covenants online course

Here's to 2013. May it be better than 2012.

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