Monday, February 27, 2012

The Lord's Plan

A couple of weeks ago I had decided and committed myself to skipping the women's class at church in the Spanish branch and instead go into the English ward sacrament meeting that meets at the same time.  I decided that I needed to this to help me spiritually restore myself.  However, my idea of what I need is not what the Lord knows I need and I just found this out.  Two weeks ago, I was called to be the 2nd Counselor in the Sociodad de Socorro (Relief Society) presidency.  After listing all the reasons why I shouldn't/couldn't (can't speak the language, have a very active 1 year old, having a spiritual crisis of my own) it all boiled down to I've never said no to a calling and I'm just going to have to trust the Lord on this one too.  My Dear Husband said that he would be supportive and help out with watching the children while I am at meetings.On Sundays, we'll have to take turns with the baby because he's Elder's Quorum President.

After meeting with the Branch President, I went to Sociodad de Socorro (in the seminary room) and up on the wall was a quote about how you can never move forward if you are always looking back.  And I realized that I had been looking back to the English ward and hadn't moved forward like the Lord wanted me too. I'm not just supposed to be the supportive wife sitting in the corner, he really wants me to learn Spanish and participate in this branch.

As part of my new responsibilities I am now teaching this next Sunday.  I will be posting my lessons and thoughts as I continue on this journey.

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