Monday, February 27, 2012

The Lord's Plan

A couple of weeks ago I had decided and committed myself to skipping the women's class at church in the Spanish branch and instead go into the English ward sacrament meeting that meets at the same time.  I decided that I needed to this to help me spiritually restore myself.  However, my idea of what I need is not what the Lord knows I need and I just found this out.  Two weeks ago, I was called to be the 2nd Counselor in the Sociodad de Socorro (Relief Society) presidency.  After listing all the reasons why I shouldn't/couldn't (can't speak the language, have a very active 1 year old, having a spiritual crisis of my own) it all boiled down to I've never said no to a calling and I'm just going to have to trust the Lord on this one too.  My Dear Husband said that he would be supportive and help out with watching the children while I am at meetings.On Sundays, we'll have to take turns with the baby because he's Elder's Quorum President.

After meeting with the Branch President, I went to Sociodad de Socorro (in the seminary room) and up on the wall was a quote about how you can never move forward if you are always looking back.  And I realized that I had been looking back to the English ward and hadn't moved forward like the Lord wanted me too. I'm not just supposed to be the supportive wife sitting in the corner, he really wants me to learn Spanish and participate in this branch.

As part of my new responsibilities I am now teaching this next Sunday.  I will be posting my lessons and thoughts as I continue on this journey.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Update: On my little duckie....

A few months back I posted an article called "When your ducks don't float." and explained how it was an answer to a concern of my heart regarding my 4 year old, Yaya.  Last year we did home-based preschool with 7 other moms all taking turns teaching preschool at our home.  But this year they either moved, paid for preschool, or held their child back and repeated the 3 year old Joy School curriculum.  I had worried because I couldn't afford to send Yaya to a paid preschool (it's cheaper to attend community college than preschool where we live.)  But after reading "When your ducks don't float" the Lord had directed me that I need to keep her home and do activities with her and spend time with her to prepare her in other ways before dropping her in the kindergarten "Pond" and waiting to see if she sinks or floats.  Well I have been content with this answer until a couple of weeks ago when my friend invited Yaya and another child to attend Joy School while it was at her house that week.  Yaya had so much fun and really enjoyed it.  I also realized that they had made some changes halfway through the year and had actually added a lot more 4 year olds and Yaya would actually fit in quite well.  Yaya has been asking me when she gets to go back to school and I have been thinking about asking the moms if we could join.  However, the story about the duckies kept coming to my mind.  If the Lord had been so clear that I needed to keep her home this year, did that just mean in the fall or the whole year. I too could really use the 4 hours a week with only baby squishy home. It seemed to be a no-brainer, send her to preschool, no cost, she gets a little break from me and I from her, and she gets the instruction and socialization important at her age. But again what about the duckies.  So I decided that if the Lord was clear about this  before I needed to make this a matter of prayer and be open to His answer. He wants Yaya prepared in some way, but in what way?

Last year, my now 6 year old Mimi, had a brutal transition to preschool. In class she was an angel, always listening and respectful of her teacher.  But at home she began talking back, sassing, and being very demanding.  She and I battled that whole year with her new behaviors.  I want to do everything I can to prevent the same thing from happening to Yaya, but I didn't know what I was supposed to do.   I had been praying about this for over a week.  I was starting to get worried that I wasn't going to get an answer, maybe I just needed to make the decision and then He will confirm it whether it is right or wrong.  I new if it was up to my brain I would just get her into preschool.  But my heart wasn't settled so I just kept praying and waiting.  

Then yesterday the answer came.  I was talking with Mimi and she mentioned her little friend she played with last year and how she doesn't really play with her anymore cause she is in a different class.  Through working in the classroom last year, I was able to determine that her new little friend exhibited all of the same behaviors that I had seeing in Mimi and was desperately  trying to undo.  One friend, that's all it took to turn our household upside down for a whole year.  I had made a request that they weren't in the same classroom for first grade and so far this year things have been much smoother.  Mimi said that she now plays with another girl that she has known since she was 2 and is a great influence on her.  I was pleased with her choice and then it clicked. 

That was my answer.  It's not letters and numbers, it's building strong friendships with good influences that will be in her school.  Seeing it that way, I also realized that all of the children in Joy School are good influences but none of them will be attending Yaya's school. So while she would enjoy it now, it will not prepare her for kindergarten in the ways that she needs. Yaya has had a lot of playdates with the little girl down the street who is a good influence and will also be starting kindergarten at Yaya's school too.  I need to continue to foster this friendship.  I also thought of another little girl Yaya's age that will also be starting at her school next year too that I had met through church and Girl Scouts.  Her mom and I have talked of doing a playdate before but have never done it.  She is a good little girl and would be a good influence on Yaya.  I will be calling her mom and setting up a playdate this week.  I am now on the lookout for girls her age going to her school to see if they would be good friends for her.  If she has already established these friendships before she starts kindergarten then she will gravitate to these same girls when thrown into the kindergarten "pond."  And maybe the little oil that we as parents have put on their feathers will rub off on to each other and help to keep each other afloat.  

Thank you Heavenly Father for answering my prayers.  

San Diego Temple