Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Great Answers to the Great Question

Great Answers to the Great Question Maxwell, Neal A. October 11, 1986
Here are my notes that I jotted down while doing dishes and listening. Click on the link to hear the original message. (free mp3)

Meekness: Example- Moses, well learned of the egyptians, yet was the meekest man up on the earth
indiscriminate at learning  meeknees is more than a passive attribute- seek the law of the lord and apply
most of us are unsearching  quite content with a superficial understanding,
whether out of laziness or out of being busy which is incident to the pressing cares of the world.

Meekness is in all of our virtues and pride in all of our sins.

It takes time to prepare for eternity. patience. line upon line.  coveting the drop while neglecting the more weighty matters.
if he is going to make every weak thing strong then he must test us in all of our weaknesses.

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