Sunday, January 30, 2011

Peace, Faith, and Personal Revelation

I have now twice attended the Cardiff Ward's Scripture study "enrichment" group aka "a relief society meeting".  To me it feels more like an Institute of Religion class or a religion class at BYU in other words--It's FABULOUS!!!!  The subject matter for the class right now is the Sermon on the Mount/Sermon at the Temple.  (Which I didn't even realize before this class that the sermon was given twice, once in the old world, once in the new world.)  This class certainly requires me to think on a higher level which I so desperately need these days.  It is also filling my spiritual need to be taught by others the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I have recently understood that I need more spiritual food than I have been absorbing in my meetings in the Spanish Branch due to my lack of knowledge of the Spanish language.  Anyways, this class has been so spiritually stimulating.  It reminded me of how much I used to enjoy learning when I was in college.    So here are some of the quotes shared in the class that have been the most thought provoking for me.

John A. Widstoe
• "The only way to build a peaceful community is to build men
and women who are lovers and MAKERS of PEACE. Each
individual, by that doctrine of Christ and His church, holds in
his owns hands the peace of the world.
That makes me responsible for the peace of the world, and
makes you individually responsible for the peace of the world.
The responsibility cannot be shifted to someone else. …Not
upon the shoulders of congress, or parliament, or any other

I am the one responsible for creating peace in my home.  I know I need to and I'm still trying to figure out some better ways that I can do this.  For me to be better at creating peace, I certainly need to be feeling it more.

We have been told that our testimonies need constant nourishment or they will dwindle and as I mentioned above I finally realized that mine wasn't progressing or standing still, but dwindling due to lack of nourishment.  So for the last few months I have been trying to find out things that I can do strengthen my faith.  Of course the obvious--read my scriptures longer and with more intent came to mind as well as be more consistant and meaningful in my prayers too.  However, it seemed that there was more that I needed, more outside support. I have a profound appreciation for the necessity of attending all 3 church meetings on Sundays now.  I recognize how much we are strengthened just by hearing each others testimonies, experiences and insights in to the gospel and living it.  I am so grateful to have the opportunity to attend this scripture study class to supplement and inspire my personal study of the scriptures.   While I was reading more on the Sermon on the Mount that I found on I came across these two quotes that reaffirmed my need to be taught, not just relying alone on my personal scripture study.

“Effective teaching,” President Gordon B. Hinckley has said, “is the very essence of leadership in the Church. Eternal life will come only as men and women are taught with such effectiveness that they change and discipline their lives. They cannot be coerced into righteousness or into heaven. They must be led, and that means teaching.” 6 
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles added:“For each of us to ‘come unto Christ,’ to keep His commandments and follow His example back to the Father is surely the highest and holiest purpose of human existence. To help others do that as well—to teach, persuade, and prayerfully lead them to walk that path of redemption also—surely that must be the second most significant task in our lives. Perhaps that is why President David O. McKay once said, ‘No greater responsibility can rest upon any man [or woman] than to be teacher of God’s children.’” 7 
I recognize that of course they are speaking first about our responsibility to share the gospel and teach those around us the gospel, but standing on the other end of the spectrum right now, I also see how important that it is that I am nourished with the good word of God not just from the scriptures but through others testimonies and experiences applying the gospel and atonement in their lives.  Thus by being so nourished, my testimony will grow and I will be able to again share it with others.  It really is a peculiar thing, sitting in class, wanting to comment, but not knowing what the conversation is, having a thought pop into my head that I would like to share but not knowing if it even pertains to the lesson and so I let it go.  I don't share it, and by not vocalizing that thought it more quickly disappears from my mind and I found that less and less thought came.  Sharing our thoughts about the gospel truly does help to strengthen our testimonies.  [The thought that just popped into my head--I do have a place where I can share these thoughts and they are with my children.  Just last night, for some unknown reason I had my children's complete attention--a rare occasion.  We were reading the Book of Mormon stories for children and I was actually expounding the scriptures to them.  They listened and they seemed to understand.  We discussed how the lesson from the scriptures applied to them and I testified to them about the power of prayer.  It felt wonderful.  It was one of those golden moments that let me know I'm doing something right, not sure if it makes up for all the wrongs of parenting, but it brought peace to me and them in that moment and also showed me what direction to go in creating more peace in my home.  And so I will try to continue.]

In trying to increase my faith this quote from class on Wednesday really stuck out to me. 

Bruce R. McConkie:
"Faith is a gift of God bestowed as a reward for
personal righteousness. It is always given when
righteousness is present, and the greater the
measure of obedience to God’s laws the greater
will be the endowment of FAITH."

I knew from reading in Moroni that faith is a gift bestowed upon us by God.  But here Elder McConkie clarifies that the gift is attained according to our obedience.  Therefore I need to search myself and see what areas I need to be more obedient in.  There are of course the 10 commandments that I can review as well as the higher law and the covenants I have made.  However, Stephen R. Covey stated in an address given in 1975 called "An Educated Conscience" that there are other commandments that we are responsible to obey too:

"In addition to these general commandments and these Church principles and ordinances which apply to all members of the Church, they have the Holy Ghost.  If they truly receive it, the Holy Ghost will give to them personal guidance and direction in all of the activities and affairs of their life." 

So then I also need to listen better to the Spirit or as he says, "truly receive it" and then obey those personal commandments given.   I love what Brother Covey says next: 

"Their conscience is more educated than ever.  They're educated regarding the world's enlightenment and the Church's basic principles and doctrines, all of which is revelation-- general revelation.  But they are also educated with regard to personal revelation, personal commandments regarding each individual stewardship.  We have been told many times by the Brethren words to this effect, that you and I as members of the Church have the same right to personal guidance and revelation in our area of jurisdiction, our stewardship, as the President of the Church has in his stewardship."

And so this ends my thoughts for tonight.  I am glad I took the time to sit down and pull together all these thoughts that I have had floating about in my head for the last two weeks.  When I write them down they really come together with meaning.  Good night.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Thank you Becky for your thoughts. I was very enlightened by them and the quotes given. You are a very thoughtful and spiritual person. There is something humbling about being taught by your child. What a wonderful blessing you are to your family and to me. I love you.Mom

San Diego Temple