Thursday, February 7, 2008


The Lord has truly blessed us this month. Our smoke alarm alerted us in the middle of the night that there was smoke in the hall. The smell of it didn't wake us up. We were also lucky that there wasn't a fire (our furnace died and was filling the house with smoke.) I am also thankful this month for Lady and the Tramp and the Wonderpets, without whom I wouldn't be able to get my picky eater to eat spagetti and celery. And today, I am thankful for Aunt Shelby who found the crib toy I was looking for 2nd hand. She packed up the kids and went and bought it for me at a fraction of the new price. Thanks Shelbs for being so kind! Hopefully this will help our little one to fall asleep with less crying.

1 comment:

Gina said...

I am so glad that you are okay. This journal idea is great. You are awesome.

San Diego Temple