Tuesday, September 2, 2014

That He May Succor Us

Recently I read a quote by Jonathan G. Sandberg from his devotional address entitled Healing = Courage + Action + Grace, "Even the greatest among us, Jesus Christ, experienced betrayal, mocking, abandonment, loss of loved ones, and physical pain as part of His mortal experience."  When reading this the phrase of "loss of loved ones" caught my attention and caused me to remember the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead.  As we studied this story in my religion class last year I wrote some of my thoughts here.  I found many new insights into the experiences of Lazarus, Mary, Martha and Christ, but when I read this quote I recognized an aspect of the story that I hadn't recognized before. When Jesus wept I knew that he was showing compassion on Mary and Martha, however, I had forgotten that He, Himself had just lost a loved one.  Christ was also weeping for His loss of a dear friend as well.

Early Bird Catches the Worm

"I'll seek the Lord early and He will be found." I woke at 4am this morning with this phrase from the primary song in my head and so I am up reading scriptures and writing.   There is something about the quiet hours of the morning that enhance communication with the Lord.  There are no interruptions.
San Diego Temple