Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Paul's Counsel to Me

This morning I woke up early and was able to read my scriptures for a few minutes before the kids came and climbed in my bed.  I read in 2nd Timothy, as that was the reading for my New Testament class that I have been attending.  These verses in particular spoke to me :

2 Timothy 3:12, 14-15
"Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution."
"But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;"
"And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus."
It's hard enough facing our challenges and trials, but somehow hearing Paul tell us that everyone that is trying to follow Jesus will suffer persecution, makes it a little easier to bear.  Maybe it's reassuring because it confirms to me that I really am on the right path, even though frequently, it feels like so many things are going so wrong.  It also gives me hope because it helps me to see that I'm not alone.  There are others that are trying to endure persecution or trials while striving to follow Jesus as well.

I love how Paul encourages us to continue on!  He counsels  us to continue in the things which we have learned.   The way Paul phrases this makes me think of two ways that I have learned things:

  1. I have learned doctrine by studying it and praying about it.
  2. But I have also learned personal direction or revelation pertaining specifically to my life through the Holy Ghost.  This has come to me through promptings. 
Paul directs us to remember the things that we have learned but also points out to remember that these are things that have been confirmed in our hearts and minds by the Spirit of the Holy Ghost.  And then he reminds us to have confidence in that testimony and spiritual guidance because it has come from our loving Heavenly Father.
The last verse, 15, again seemed like he was speaking just to me.  I have be taught and studied the scriptures since I was a little kid.  Paul gently reminded me of this blessing in my life and encouraged me to continue building upon that foundation.  And that I should not take it for granted but continue to search and study the scriptures for wisdom to guide me through the trials in my life.

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