Sunday, June 30, 2013


Today I ended up on Seth Adam Smith's blog reading his posting about faith.   This quote from his blog made me rethink about my experiences (trials) over the last few years.  While I have struggled through years of church in another language, feeling starved for spirituality and feeling like my faith was diminishing quickly, I wondered why when I need spiritual experiences most am I in a place where I don't understand them while they are going on all around me.  His blog quote says:
Doubt—opposition to our faith—actually gives us the ability to strengthen our faith. So keep in mind that if Lehi’s formula of opposition is true, then opposition will grow in proportion to our faith. Ironically, the more we increase in faith, the more our faith will be tested and opposed. It’s a law of nature that must be observed.
Maybe instead of my faith slipping, it was just me being pushed to greater faith because of greater opposition.  Maybe my faith was stronger than I realized.  I really liked this posting I read on Seth Adam Smith's blog, it's a good read.

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