Friday, October 3, 2008


I am sitting at the computer trying to put together some activities for Mimi to keep her busy and help her listen to the General Conference of my church tomorrow. I came across some pictures of President Hinckley. While I whole heartedly support our new president, President Monson, there is still an ache in my heart and tears in my eyes every time I see a picture of President Hinckley. I miss him so much. For the last 10 years or so, he has been the person on earth that I have looked to the most for guidance. I know that he is a Prophet of God and that he is also the most Christ-like person I have observed.
Whenever he spoke, I felt his love so deeply in my heart that it melted away other concerns. Though his body became feeble his testimony and his eternal vision was always clear and strong. You could see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice. This strengthened me during pivotal years of college and work before marrying. His counsel that he imparted has shaped me, my life, and my family that my husband and I have created. His counsel inspired me to be better, to be the best person, friend, wife, mother that I could be. I truly miss him. I thank my Heavenly Father for sustaining President Hinckley for so many years, that he was able to have such a profound influence on everyone that knew of him. His example of being steadfast, and hardworking motivates me to "go to work" and accomplish great things. I love you President Hinckley and continue to miss you!
San Diego Temple