Friday, May 23, 2008

Jars of Baby Food

Today I was at the grocery store and saw a clearance bin had baby food jars for 30 cents each. I was shocked to see them that cheap and loaded up. On my way home, I pieced it together. This was a direct answer to my prayers a couple of weeks ago. I had prayed that I would be able to be more wise in my spending and staying within my budget. Baby food is a necessity, but the cost does ad up quickly. I recognized that the Lord was helping me and not just with today's purchase. But the last time I bought baby food, I was at Target and again found a lot of baby food on clearance for a great price. And then between these two purchases, a friend asked me if I could use the baby food that her youngest doesn't eat anymore. We often look for the Lord's hand in our lives in big important ways, when he most frequently helps out with the small and simple things. By noticing this answered prayer I know that my Heavenly Father listens to even the small things that are important to me. He truly does love us.

Quote of the Week

To open the musical Fiddler on the Roof, Tevye, a Russian dairyman of Jewish descent, speaks these lines:
“Here in Anatevka we have our traditions for everything—how to eat, how to sleep, how to work, even how to wear clothes. For instance, we always keep our heads covered; we wear these little prayer shawls. This shows our constant devotion to God. You may ask, how did this tradition get started? I’ll tell you—I don’t know! But it’s a tradition. Because of our traditions everyone here knows who he is and what God expects him to do.”
I hope that as I teach my little daughters how to pray, love, worship, and study the scriptures, that they will know who they are. That they are daughters of a loving God and that they will know His will for them in all things. This quote is a reminder to me that our daily activities become our traditions and I must choose wisely.
San Diego Temple